After Jasper, our next big adventure was Muncho Lake, but we quickly realized it was a whopping 13-hour drive! That felt like a lot for the kids, so we decided to break it up with a night of camping at Charlie Lake, near Fort St. John.
On our way there, we couldn’t resist a quick stop at Mile Zero of the Alaskan Highway to snap some photos and stretch our legs. It’s a classic road trip moment! When we finally rolled into Charlie Lake, though, the weather had other plans—smoky skies, rain, and mosquitoes buzzing around like they owned the place. Seriously, it was like a scene from a horror movie; we could barely step outside without getting munched on! So, we ditched the campsite dinner plan and headed into Fort St. John for some comfort food at Boston Pizza, plus a grocery run.
The next day, the sun decided to join the party, so we packed up and hit the road for Muncho Lake. We stopped at Borrow Pit 1 for a tasty lunch, soaking in the scenery before continuing on. But as we climbed into the Northern Rocky Mountains, the weather took a turn—sudden chills and rain, with visibility so low we could barely see the road ahead.
Just when we thought we’d hit a snag, we came across a section of the road that had washed out just the day before. Luckily, it was open for us, and we made it to our Strawberry Flats campsite around 5 PM. We set up the trailer just in time to whip up dinner before darkness fell—talk about a close call!
Charlie Lake (Day 6)
离开了Jasper National Park,开了差不多一个多小时,公路两旁的树风就变了,道路两旁全是笔直挺拔的白桦树林。连车内专注听音乐的孩子们,都注意到了这一变化!因为附近发生山火,空中到处弥漫着烟熏味,整个天空都是灰蒙蒙的,气压很低!城市因烟雾失去了颜色,没了活力,以至于我儿子看到这一幕,直呼我们好像进入了鬼城!
经过近7个小时的车程,到达了我们今晚的露营地__Charile Lake! 营地很大,周围都是白桦树环绕着,很美。可一下车,立马被一群群的小蚊虫包围,吓的孩子们立马跑回车内呆着。我和孩子爸最快的速度将tent trailer打开,这次里外全安排好,只用了半个小时。因天气闷热太多蚊虫,我们直接开到旁边城市,在那边找地方用餐,顺便补充食品。不过进入餐厅一会的功夫,外面就大雨倾盆!难怪天气如此闷热,山火加上大雨将至,才会回如此!
昨晚几乎整晚上,暴雨狂风加上电闪雷鸣!我们的Tent trailer经受住了考验, 外面雷雨交加,里面却干燥而温暖。在里面听着雨点敲打棚顶的声音,仿若是大自然奏响的催眠曲,又一个好眠之夜!
Munch Lake (Day 7)
即使是雨天,看到muncho Lake 的那一瞬间,就被它惊艳到!湖面呈现出奶油般的质地,冰粉蓝的颜色,那么的温柔甜美!不能等,想赶紧到达营地,近距离欣赏它。离Muncho Lake 不过两公里的距离,车辆都被迫停了下来,前方路段塌方了一半,被山上的流淌下来的溪流冲毁了一大半,经过修路人员的紧急填补,仅靠着山体的那边,勉强能过一辆车,好险!