The sun was blazing as we hit the road from Cultus Lake, the heat soaring over 40 degrees. It felt like we were driving through an oven, but we were pumped for our trip to Jasper National Park.
When we finally arrived, we were greeted by a smoky haze that wrapped around the mountains, remnants of nearby forest fires. It was a bit of a bummer since we had plans to paddle on the stunning Maligne Lake. Instead, we decided to switch gears and tackle a hike around Maligne Canyon. The trails were packed with other hikers, and while the scenery was still beautiful, the heat and smoke made it tough to fully enjoy.
After two long nights of sweltering temps and smoky air, we were ready to move on. As we packed up, there was a strange sense of urgency in the air. The very next day, we heard the news—Jasper was being evacuated because of a wildfire creeping in.
We couldn’t believe our luck! Just a day after we left, the town was engulfed in flames. It felt surreal to think we’d narrowly dodged a major disaster. What started as a challenging trip turned into a wild adventure, reminding us just how unpredictable nature can be.

清晨的营地的温度还是很舒适的。谁曾想11点以后的温度,飙升到了40度!Jasper 这两天的温度,着实令人有些抓狂,早晚只有12、13度,中午则飙升到39、40度。以至于早晚穿着抓绒衣,午后我则穿着比基尼👙😅
昨天一天近8个小时的车程,令每个人都还是感到些许疲惫。所以Jasper 远处的景区是不准备去的,就在附近走走就好。于是选了去Maligne Canyon 看看。没想到那么多人,停车场需要稍微找找等等,才能有停车位。
天气实在是酷热难当,中午时分我们就返回营地,这么热的天,竟然看见一头Caribou 在我们住的营地吃草转悠。赶紧凑近它拍照,它也不怕人,仍然悠然的吃着草。营地打的水是真好喝啊!超级冰,像是冰川上融化的雪水。打来喝是真解暑!
看着温度记上的温度已经飙到了40度。营地是不能待了。开车去了Jasper 中心,大街上的行人极少,三三两两的,不像以前那样拥挤。游客估计和我们一样,都躲到了市内。
This photo was taken on July 21st, 2024, the day before the evacuation order before the fire burnt through the town on July 24th.We were very lucky to leave the day after the morning before the evacuation order.  It was a smoky day which made the sunset bright red.
This photo was taken on July 21st, 2024, the day before the evacuation order before the fire burnt through the town on July 24th.We were very lucky to leave the day after the morning before the evacuation order. It was a smoky day which made the sunset bright red.
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